John O’Conor & Ailbhe McDonagh: Beethoven & More

John O’Conor & Ailbhe McDonagh: Beethoven & More

Thursday, 6 June 2024, 8.00pm

Irish soloists John O'Conor and Ailbhe McDonagh return to Pavilion Theatre for an evening of intimate piano and cello music.

After their release of the Complete Beethoven Cello Sonatas recording on the Steinway label, O'Conor and McDonagh have been performing these works together along with some other cello and piano classics.

This concert will see them perform two sonatas by Beethoven - Op. 5, No. 1 and Op. 69. Alongside this, they will perform the well known Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. 73 and also two works by McDonagh herself.

Skellig for cello and piano, recently broadcast on BBC, was written about the iconic island Skelliug Michael off the coast of Kerry and Valentia which was a piece composed by Ailbhe for John for his 75th birthday celebrations.

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Added by paviliontheatre on 24 May 2024

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