Sonic Vigil XI: Quiet Music Ensemble
Ireland’s unique experimental music group Quiet Music Ensemble performs music by Irish and international composers including Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri, Anna Murray, Irene Murphy and the world premiere of a new work by dancer Inma Pavon.
Throughout this performance patrons are encouraged to move between the various spaces of Cork Opera House, our Foyer, Main Bar, and Blue Angel Hospitality Suite.
Tickets €10/7
Part of Sonic Vigil: In Your Own Time and Place
In Your Own Time and Place is a three-day celebration of musical improvisation featuring:
- the Irish Premiere of Daniel Weintraub’s ground-breaking documentary on Pauline Oliveros
- Renowned experimental music group Quiet Music Ensemble
- Ireland’s celebrated improvisation duo Quiet Club with saxophonist Cathal Roche
- Memory Echo: a short film featuring Pauline Oliveros by Andrew Deutsch
- The eleventh iteration of Cork’s unique improvisation marathon, Sonic Vigil