Friday, 24 May 2024, 8.00pm
Added by Hawkswell

As a Theatre for the People, our Community is at the heart of what we do. We aim to present a diverse programme reflecting the community we live in and giving every voice a platform to be heard! Over 100 people regularly take part in our Community Workshops. That’s over...

50 in our Community Adult Orchestra with Niamh Crowley
50 in the Sing for the hell of it! Choir with Dave Flynn
20 in our Acting for Adults with Isabel Claffey
10 in our Comedy Writing with John Colleary
30 in our SHINE programme for people with Intellectual Disabilities

We want to illuminate and show off these voices and the amazing creativity that has been happening behind the scenes in these workshops. It’s time for the community to take centre stage and SHOW UP & SHOW OFF.

Come and show your support for our performers as they take to the stage. They have been showing up for rehearsals; now its time for them to show off their skills!

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Added by Hawkswell on 21 May 2024

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