Desmond Fennell & Ireland: Past, Present & Future

Desmond Fennell & Ireland: Past, Present & Future

Friday, 14 June 2024, 9.00am
Added by Toner Quinn

Desmond Fennell passed away nearly three years ago. He left behind an extraordinary volume of writing, thinking and broadcasting produced over a long and productive life in Ireland and abroad.

His writings touched on a wide range of topics: from the Irish language, to religion, to the North, international affairs and the disconnect between Ireland's elites and her people.

As Ireland faces a mix of new and old challenges over the rest of this decade, what can we learn from Fennell's rich legacy to guide us in the the years ahead? We explore Fennell and his work in a half day seminar that looks back as well as forward, with contributions from a range of speakers who either knew Fennell personally or have been inspired by his work subsequently.

Speakers will include Kate Fennell, Angela Nagle, Finbarr Bradley, James Bradshaw, Toner Quinn and others - promising an engaging and inspiring half day conversation about one of modern Ireland's greatest thinkers.


09:00 - 09:20
Welcome and Introduction

09:20 - 09:50
Remembering Desmond Fennell: Kate Fennell

09:50 - 10:30
A Guide to Fennell's Work: James Bradshaw

10:30 - 11:00
Publishing Desmond Fennell: Toner Quinn

11:00 - 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 - 11:50
Fennell's Vision for Ireland's Place in Europe: Prof Jerry White

11:50 - 12:30
Fennell's relevance to Ireland's future: Angela Nagle

12:30 - 13:00
Does Fennell matter anymore? Panel Discussion

For booking details, visit the link below.

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Added by Toner Quinn on 19 May 2024

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