Hidden Memories - Vocal and Electronic Works Elizabeth Hilliard (soprano) performs works by Gráinne Mulvey

Hidden Memories - Vocal and Electronic Works Elizabeth Hilliard (soprano) performs works by Gráinne Mulvey

Friday, 21 June 2013, 3.15pm

As part of Love:Live Music 2013, at the Centre for Contemporary Practices, soprano Elizabeth Hilliard and composer Gráinne Mulvey present a concert of vocal and electronic works on Friday 21st June at 1.15 pm.

Works include The Gift of Freedom and The Seafarer - both written for Elizabeth Hilliard's voice and tape. The tape part for each is constructed using samples from Elizabeth's voice.

Electronic works include Hidden Memories, inspired by a painting by artist Ursula Meehan.

Experience a beautiful concert, in the comfort of this Arts Centre in the centre of town

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Added by elizabethhilliard on 11 June 2013

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