Irish Chamber Orchestra - The Stones of Life

Irish Chamber Orchestra - The Stones of Life

Saturday, 10 February 2024, 7.30pm

Irish Chamber Orchestra
Killian Farrell Conductor
Sharon Carty Artist in Association / Mezzo Soprano


Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 in D major Classical, Op. 25
Deirdre Gribbin The Stones of Life
Mahler Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, from Rückert Lieder
Mozart Symphony No.41, K.551, C major Jupiter

Join us for an emotional roller-coaster featuring two all-time great symphonies. Prokofiev’s first symphony, Mozartian in style, will intrigue and amuse you with its concise and playful form that is full of vitality and fun. Fasten your belts as we grip you with Mozart’s thrilling Jupiter in all its grandeur – his final and greatest symphony. A remarkable mother and son journey The Stones of Life will stir you beyond belief and sweep you to places beyond your imagination! Sharon Carty brings it all home as well as scaling the heights in Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, one of Mahler’s most moving songs. Conducted by a young rising star, Killian Farrell steers an ICO ship on another heartfelt and imaginative voyage.

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Added by Irish Chamber Orchestra on 30 November 2023

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