A Celebration of Music & Song

A Celebration of Music & Song

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 8.00pm
Added by Hawkswell

A unique night of Music and Song bringing together a multiple of performers from different platforms. Renowned Galway singer Seán Keane will headline the concert, joined by a full band to perform his well known repertoire of songs. Seán will also join forces on the night with Stephen Doherty, Michael Rooney & The Ceol Na nÓg Traditional Orchestra.

The orchestra under the direction of Stephen Doherty features over 70 teenagers from Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Donegal, Fermanagh, Roscommon & Galway. They will perform some of their arranged material on the night as well as joining Seán for some of his classic songs. This will be a unique opportunity to see the talented youth of our region perform with one of Ireland's best known singers.

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Added by Hawkswell on 21 May 2024

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