Seckou Keita
Seckou Keita is a renowned Kora (African Harp) virtuoso who stands as a luminary amongst African traditional musicians. Hailing from Southern Senegal, his journey from a gifted child to a globally recognised musician has been nothing short of remarkable. Dubbed as "the Hendrix of the Kora'', Seckou's innovative approach and exceptional skill constantly pushes the boundaries of what the instrument can achieve. With a discography boasting 14 critically-acclaimed albums cumulating over 25 million streams on Spotify alone, and a collection of prestigious awards, including multiple BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, Seckou Keita has left an indelible mark on the music scene.
His solo show is a mesmerising mix of captivating melodies, joyous rhythms, uplifting vocals and contemplative instrumentals. An elegant display of virtuosity, natural connection with the audience and joy that will undoubtedly draw the audience in and take their breath away.