Limerick Early Music Festival 2024: JOURNEYS
Limerick Early Music Festival's 2024 theme is Journeys, featuring sacred & secular music about travel, pilgrimage, and transformation, spanning 1000 years of music, diverse cultures, and geographical areas from Africa to the Middle East to Europe. Limerick Early Music Festival 2024 will take place in March. Main events are on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd, with advance events taking place on Saturday 16th and Wednesday 20th March.
2024 Programme
Saturday 16th March
• Music at the Milk Market: Renaissance Music in Costume | 10am, Milk Market, Limerick
Wednesday 20th March
• Sung Compline, Peregryne Vocal Ensemble | 5:30pm, Saint Mary's Cathedral, Limerick
Friday 22nd March
• Journeying with Bach: Choral and Instrumental Works by JS Bach, Buxtehude, and Schütz | 8pm, Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick
Saturday 23rd March
• Music at the Milk Market: Renaissance Music in Costume | 10am, Milk Market, Limerick
• Peregrinatio: Medieval Songs of Travel, Pilgrimage, and Spiritual Journeys | 2pm, Saint Joseph's Church, O'Connell Street, Limerick
• The Fragrant Garden: from al-Andalus to North Africa | 8pm, Saint Joseph's Church, O'Connell Street, Limerick