Opportunity Two
The Arts Council in conjunction with Arts & Disability Ireland is now accepting applications for the Arts and Disability Connect awards scheme, specifically Opportunity Two of 2023. This opportunity, which commenced on Monday 14 August, will close its application window on Tuesday 10 October at 4pm.
Within this scheme, there are four distinct strands: Mentoring, Training, New Work, and Research and Reflection. This current opportunity focuses on the New Work and Research and Reflection awards.
The aim of the Arts and Disability Connect scheme is to assist individual artists with disabilities in their ambitions, fostering their artistic growth and facilitating connections with arts entities and professionals in Ireland. Application materials, guidelines, and other pertinent details for Opportunity Two are available for download.
Additionally, an interactive session to address queries related to the application process will be conducted via Zoom on Tuesday 19 September from 12-1pm, with provisions for Irish Sign Language interpretation and speech to text services. Those requiring support during the application phase can secure up to one hour of assistance through phone, Zoom, or email, with bookings open until Thursday 5 October.
See link below for further details.